Tag: Falcon 1

Virgin Galactic Announces Significant Progress with LauncherOne Propulsion Development

Virgin Galactic Announces Significant Progress with LauncherOne Propulsion Development

Virgin Galactic Press Release, Comments Follow VIRGIN GALACTIC ANNOUNCES SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS WITH LAUNCHERONE ROCKET PROPULSION IN-HOUSE TEAM ACHIEVES KEY MILESTONES IN STEADY-STATE TESTING OF MAIN STAGE AND UPPER STAGE LIQUID ENGINES MOJAVE, California – September 28, 2015 – Successful test firings of key propulsion components marked the latest sign of progress for Virgin Galactic’s dedicated small […]

For SpaceX, Living Well is the Best Revenge : A Second Pad at Vandenberg

For SpaceX, Living Well is the Best Revenge : A Second Pad at Vandenberg

First and and so far only SpaceX launch from Vandenberg : Image Credit SpaceX According to a story first reported in Space News, SpaceX is now leasing a second launch pad from the Air Force at Vandenberg, Ca. Although SpaceX has not made any recent public statements, the lease of Space Launch Complex-4 West (SLC-4W) […]

Posted in: SpaceX
NASA’s Sky High Pegasus Contract Shows SmallSat Launcher Opportunity

NASA’s Sky High Pegasus Contract Shows SmallSat Launcher Opportunity

$16.5 Million Dollars Ago.  OSC Pegasus Launches IRIS. Image Credit : NASA In case there was any doubt there is still a long, long way to go in reducing launch prices across the spectrum, consider this NASA press release from November 20th. CONTRACT RELEASE C14-047 NASA Awards Launch Services Contract for Ionospheric Connection Explorer NASA […]

Small Launch Vehicle Updates

Small Launch Vehicle Updates

Korea has announced that the upcoming launch of its Nar0-3 rocket will be further delayed while it awaits the arrival of a new fuel coupler from Russia. The Korean Space Agency (KARI) had hoped to reschedule the launch of the two stage rocket to sometime around November 17, but has yet to receive a firm delivery date on the replacement component, leading to a […]
