Tag: exoplanets

Hubble Spots a Blue Planet, but its Not What You Think

Hubble Spots a Blue Planet, but its Not What You Think

NASA Press Release RELEASE 13-202  NASA Hubble Finds a True Blue Planet WASHINGTON — Astronomers making visible-light observations with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have deduced the actual color of a planet orbiting another star 63 light-years away. The planet is HD 189733b, one of the closest exoplanets that can be seen crossing the face of […]

Posted in: Exo Planets, NASA
ESO Finds 3 Planets in Habitable Zone Only 22 Light Years Away

ESO Finds 3 Planets in Habitable Zone Only 22 Light Years Away

Researchers with the European Southern Observatory have taken a new look at Gliese 667C,  part of a trinary system in the constellation Scorpius. Gliese 667C is already something of a phenomenon, with the total planet count now standing at 7. Using imaging from several different telescopes, astronomers have determined that the small star has three large rocky planets or “super earths” orbiting within […]

Crowdsourcing Science: Citizen Astronomers Discover Rare Planetary System

Crowdsourcing Science: Citizen Astronomers Discover Rare Planetary System

Amateur  astronomers with Planethunters.org  and Yale University have announced the discovery of an unusual solar system in deep space. The system contains a gas giant, dubbed PH1,  approximately the size of Neptune circling a binary star.  What makes it unusual is that orbiting much further out, roughly 1000 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, is yet another binary star system. The  […]
