Tag: ExoMars

Mars Eats Another One: Europe’s Schiaparelli Lander Likely Destroyed

Mars Eats Another One: Europe’s Schiaparelli Lander Likely Destroyed

It is a saying we get tired of hearing: “space is hard.” Most often it a reflection of the cold reality of every aspect of space, but it can also be an excuse to cover questionable decisions or poor engineering. Mars has a way of pushing for answers on both. On Wednesday, the European Space […]

Posted in: Mars
Red Planet Roulette: Russia’s Proton May Have Endangered ExoMars Probe

Red Planet Roulette: Russia’s Proton May Have Endangered ExoMars Probe

When European Space Agency mission controllers received confirmation that the the ExMars probe had successfully separated from the upper stage of the Proton rocket which boosted it to orbit, they no doubt breathed a particularly deep sigh of relief. Everyone had to be aware that the decision to use Russia’s Proton as the launch vehicle, […]

Posted in: Mars, Russian Space
Russia to Slash Space Budget By 30%

Russia to Slash Space Budget By 30%

From playing a vital role in building, staffing, and operating the International Space Station over the last 15 years, to launching the ExoMars probe this week, there is no doubt the Russian space program is a vital, and even indispensable component of the global space exploration infrastructure. According to a report in Reuters with quotes […]

Posted in: Russian Space
After NASA Backs Out, Russia’s Proton Lofts ExoMars to the Red Planet (Update)

After NASA Backs Out, Russia’s Proton Lofts ExoMars to the Red Planet (Update)

Update: Europe’s Exo-Mars mission is successfully on its way to the Red Planet following successful completion of all four burns of the Briz-M and stage separation which took place at 20:13 GMT. At 21:29 GMT, ESA’s control center in Darmstadt, Germany received signal confirmation that spacecraft is in good health and the solar wings have unfolded. […]

Posted in: Mars
Proton Returns to Flight with Satellite Launch

Proton Returns to Flight with Satellite Launch

Source: RIA Novosti, Russianspaceweb A Russian built Proton rocket successfully lifted off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on Tuesday. Operated by International Launch Services, the booster blasted off shortly before midnight at 23:06 Moscow time, (7:06 pm GMT) and placed the Space Systems/Loral SatMex-8 telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit with 5 burns of the Briz-M upperstage. The flight was the first […]

Posted in: Russian Space