Tag: exo-planets

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

Of all the stunning real-life images of deep space captured by the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory, this artist’s impression may be the most profound. As expected, the ESO held a press conference at its headquarters in Munich, Germany yesterday to announce that its researchers have indeed discovered a near Earth sized planet orbiting […]

NASA Announces Discovery of 1,284 New Exoplanets, 9 in “Goldilocks Zone”

NASA Announces Discovery of 1,284 New Exoplanets, 9 in “Goldilocks Zone”

NASA held a teleconference today to announce the confirmed discovery of 1,284 new planets as part of the Kepler Space Telescope’s primary mission. The new batch of planets, the largest found at any one time, bring the total number of new planets discovered by Kepler to 2.325. Of particular interest, the new batch includes 550 […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
Kepler Data Confirms 715 New Planets

Kepler Data Confirms 715 New Planets

It is the biggest planet haul yet. NASA announced today the discovery of 715 new exo-planets orbiting 305 star systems, bringing the total number of confirmed worlds outside of our solar system to almost 1,700. The announcement is based on findings from data gathered during the first two years of the Kepler Space Telescope’s four […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

For anyone with even a passing interest in the night sky, there has probably never been a better time to be alive.  Almost weekly, we are learning more and more about the worlds which surround us, a fact underscored last week when radar imaged  passing Near Earth Asteroid 1998 QE2 complete with its own tiny “moon.” One of […]

Simply Amazing Image : 84 Million Stars

Simply Amazing Image : 84 Million Stars

From the European Southern Observatory: Using a whopping nine-gigapixel image from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory, an international team of astronomers has created a catalogue of more than 84 million stars in the central parts of the Milky Way. This gigantic dataset contains more than ten times more stars than previous studies […]

Posted in: Space Science
Discovered: Earth Sized Planet Orbiting Alpha Centauri

Discovered: Earth Sized Planet Orbiting Alpha Centauri

Astronomers using the HARPS instrument at the European Southern Observatory in Chile have announced the discovery of a rocky, Earth sized planet in a close orbit around Alpha Centauri B, Earth’s nearest neighboring star system, which actually consists of three stars, Alpha Centauri A and B, which are similar to our own sun, as well as  […]

Posted in: NASA, Space Science