Tag: European Southern Observatory

ESO Captures Sharpest View Ever of Ring Around a Dying Star

ESO Captures Sharpest View Ever of Ring Around a Dying Star

From the European Southern Observatory: The Very Large Telescope Interferometer at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile has obtained the sharpest view ever of the dusty disc around an aging star. For the first time such features can be compared to those around young stars — and they look surprisingly similar. It is even possible that […]

ESO Captures Gorgeous View of Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy

ESO Captures Gorgeous View of Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy

Image Credit: VLT Survey Telescope, ESO Always nice to end the week with an observation from the wildly prolific European Southern Observatory. Source: ESO Top News “The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile has captured a beautifully detailed image of the galaxy Messier 33. This nearby spiral, the second closest large […]

Diamonds in the Night

Diamonds in the Night

(Click to enlarge) At the end of the week, when hopefully a bit of free time approaches, it is sometimes gratifying to see an image like this one, which captures the stunning beauty of the cosmos. Coming as it does from the European Southern Observatory in South America, it also reminds us that if the […]

European Southern Observatory Captures Starbirth

European Southern Observatory Captures Starbirth

From the European Southern Observatory: “Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have obtained a vivid close-up view of material streaming away from a newborn star. By looking at the glow coming from carbon monoxide molecules in an object called Herbig-Haro 46/47 they have discovered that its jets are even more energetic than previously […]

European Southern Observatory Stars in “Hidden Universe”

European Southern Observatory Stars in “Hidden Universe”

Innerspace.net prinicipally covers the world launch industry, but  from time to time it is useful to remind ourselves of just why the drive to lower launch costs is  important in the first place.  One reason among many, to more fully and affordably explore the stunning nature of the universe around us.  In recent years, perhaps no institution has done a better job of giving […]

ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

For anyone with even a passing interest in the night sky, there has probably never been a better time to be alive.  Almost weekly, we are learning more and more about the worlds which surround us, a fact underscored last week when radar imaged  passing Near Earth Asteroid 1998 QE2 complete with its own tiny “moon.” One of […]

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

If you think about it,  the common expression “you can’t make this stuff up”  is more often than not a wholly inaccurate and long-winded way of saying   “wow.”  The universe of things we can’t make up is presumably pretty confined, but then again, not really knowable is it? Human beings in fact regularly “make up” all sorts of things,  much of which […]

ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

The European Southern Observatory in Chile is in some ways the Earth bound counterpart to the Hubble Space Telescope, providing both groundbreaking research as well as simply stunning images of deep space which often defy imagination, such as the image shown above, taken with the Very Large Telescope, which shows a planetary nebula surrounding a dying star 3300 light […]

Birth of a Planet, Birth of a System

Birth of a Planet, Birth of a System

Innerspace.net is primarily focused on developments in the international launch industry and the quest for progressively more affordable space transportation. It also attempts to keep in focus some of the reasons achieving that goal benefits science and society as a whole;  to better understand the astonishing wonders in our own solar system, and those far beyond, even if we have […]

Posted in: Space Science
Simply Amazing Image : 84 Million Stars

Simply Amazing Image : 84 Million Stars

From the European Southern Observatory: Using a whopping nine-gigapixel image from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory, an international team of astronomers has created a catalogue of more than 84 million stars in the central parts of the Milky Way. This gigantic dataset contains more than ten times more stars than previous studies […]

Posted in: Space Science