Tag: Dragon 2

NASA FY 2016 Budget Request Draws Battle Lines Over Commercial Crew

NASA FY 2016 Budget Request Draws Battle Lines Over Commercial Crew

On Monday, the Obama Administration announced its proposed budget for FY 2016, a $4 trillion dollar (officially $3.999) spending tally which is certain to be contested by the new Republican Congress. As part of the day’s events, NASA Chief Financial Officer (CFO) David Radzanowski presented the space agency’s own $18.5 billion dollar slice of the […]

SpaceX, Boeing, Aim for 2017 Crew Flights

SpaceX, Boeing, Aim for 2017 Crew Flights

A press conference held at Johnson Space Center on Monday did not delivery any real surprises regarding NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, but it did fill in a few missing details regarding agreements which have been embargoed since mid-September due Sierra Nevada’s bid protest. It also provided a bit more information about SpaceX’s upcoming plans. Some […]

Dragon 2 Thruster Firing Video

Dragon 2 Thruster Firing Video

For SpaceX, the weekend began with the late Friday announcement that it and the Air Force had reached an agreement during mediation in the lawsuit regarding the EELV program and the block buy of rocket cores from ULA. With the announcement more than a little ambiguous, observers split on who, if anyone really won. The […]

Posted in: SpaceX