Tag: Crimea

Will Russia Require NASA to Acknowledge Crimea Capture?

Will Russia Require NASA to Acknowledge Crimea Capture?

Long time Russian space observer James Oberg has penned a very interesting article at NBCnews.com which suggests that Russia is subtly attempting to get the U.S. government to acknowledge its absorption of the Crimea by shifting some mandatory cosmonaut training to that region. From the article: “Shifting the survival training to Russian-occupied Crimea will require […]

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If Buying Russian Engines is So Important, Why Did ULA Try to Prevent OSC From Doing So Too?

If Buying Russian Engines is So Important, Why Did ULA Try to Prevent OSC From Doing So Too?

Yesterday, the Court of Federal Appeals issued a temporary injunction barring United Launch Alliance from making further purchases or receiving shipments of Russian built RD-180 rocket engines until the matter can be reviewed by three different oversight agencies. The order came as a result of the lawsuit filed Monday by SpaceX against the USAF/ULA  EELV […]

SpaceX Suing to Stop EELV Block Buy

SpaceX Suing to Stop EELV Block Buy

Well, it wasn’t about Mars Colonial Transport, or even the official reveal of Dragon 2.0. Instead today’s SpaceX press conference held at the National Press Club, and delivered by Elon Musk, was primarily to announce the fact that SpaceX is filing a lawsuit in the US Court of Federal Claims in an attempt to halt […]

“Live From Space” to Premier Friday Night

“Live From Space” to Premier Friday Night

It’s difficult to say exactly why this confluence of events occurred, but space exploration’s really good media week continues Friday evening at 8 p.m. EDT with the global premier of National Geographic’s “Live from Space” broadcast event.  Over the course of the two hour show, which will include video from a single 90 minute orbit, […]

Posted in: ISS