Tag: crater

MRO Captures New Impact Crater on Mars

MRO Captures New Impact Crater on Mars

Image Credit : NASA NASA News Story: Researchers have discovered on the Red Planet the largest fresh meteor-impact crater ever firmly documented with before-and-after images. The images were captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The crater spans half the length of a football field and first appeared in March 2012. The impact that created […]

Posted in: Mars, Uncategorized
Across a Martian Vista

Across a Martian Vista

Image Credit NASA/JPL What a magnificent view, and taken by one remarkably hardy little Rover.  How long one wonders, before a similar view becomes the background for the first Martian “selfie” shot with what, the Iphone “M?” JPL Press Release: This vista of the Endeavour Crater rim was acquired by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity […]

Posted in: Mars
A Planet of Fire and (Ice?)

A Planet of Fire and (Ice?)

At first glance, the solar system’s innermost planet generally conjures up images of a blistering hot, sun-baked ball of rock which would be one of the last places one would expect to find water ice.  That was considered to be the case until 1991, when the Arecibo radar telescope in Puerto Rico, as well as NASA’s Goldstone/VLA  detected reflections from Mercury which appeared to indicate the presence of water ice […]

Posted in: NASA