Tag: Concorde

Boom! Supersonic Aircraft Built by The Spaceship Company Get Serious Backing

Boom! Supersonic Aircraft Built by The Spaceship Company Get Serious Backing

Its hard to feel like your’re living in the space age during those increasingly unpleasant hours you spend flying the “friendly skies.” That it happens at speeds which are no faster than they were when the commercial jet age got underway, and only begin after an excruciating journey to and through the airport, only add […]

Posted in: Virgin Galactic
Airbus Patents a Plane Fit for the Space Age

Airbus Patents a Plane Fit for the Space Age

Among the long list of major miseries and minor annoyances which come with air travel in the current era is this one supremely irritating fact; once you finally get into the air, you are not travelling one bit faster than a passenger first boarding a Boeing 707 in October, 1958. In fact, in some cases […]

Posted in: Space Planes