Tag: Competition

EELV Phase 2 and Blue Origin: Where’s the Congressional Curiosity?

EELV Phase 2 and Blue Origin: Where’s the Congressional Curiosity?

Responding to a letter from Congressman Mike Rogers, (R) Al, the GAO has released a report summarizing a presentation made before the House Armed Services Committee on June 6. The report, which is focused on the space launch capabilities of other nations, was requested as the Air Force prepares to structure the next phase of […]

50 Launches and Going Nowhere

50 Launches and Going Nowhere

United Launch Alliance conducted the 50th launch of the EELV program with an NRO payload carried to orbit by an Atlas V 401.  In a fawning interview conducted by SpaceFlight Now, which failed to mention either the 1 Billion dollar per year subsidy masquerading as the Launch Capability Contract,  or the Atlas V’s Russian main engine,  ULA CEO Michael Gass made an interesting argument for continued monopoly. […]
