Tag: commercial spaceport

No Quiet Riot : SpaceX Wants Texas to Feel the Noise

No Quiet Riot : SpaceX Wants Texas to Feel the Noise

According to a report in the Valley Star,  SpaceX counsel and Director of Governmental Affairs Caryn Schenewerk testified before a Texas House Committee yesterday  that one of the issues  the Hawthorne, Ca. based company is taking into account in selecting a commercial launch site, is possible complaints over the noise generated by a rocket launch. Among the statements contained in the story: […]

NASA Deals Florida a Setback in Bid to Secure a Commercial Site for SpaceX

NASA Deals Florida a Setback in Bid to Secure a Commercial Site for SpaceX

A report in Florida Today  indicates that the State of Florida’s plan to secure a long-term commercial spaceport independent from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and the U.S. Air Force Eastern Test Range have been dealt a potentially serious blow. In a letter  addressed to Florida Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carrol,  NASA rebuffed Florida’s request to transfer former state land, purchased by NASA in the […]
