Tag: Chile

ESO: Black Holes Aligned Despite Being Over Billions of Light Years Apart

ESO: Black Holes Aligned Despite Being Over Billions of Light Years Apart

Image: Artists impression of quasars aligned with each other in a galactic superstructure. Credit ESO This is truly strange, and a pretty clear indication that our conception of how the universe is built is still very incomplete. From the ESO: Observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile have revealed alignments over the largest […]

A Newly Discovered Planet in a Binary System Points Towards Other Earths

A Newly Discovered Planet in a Binary System Points Towards Other Earths

  Image credit: Cheongho Han, Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea A planetary discovery by four international teams of astronomers and led by Andrew Gould of the Ohio State University is leading to yet another re-examination of the number of stars which could potentially host Earth-like planets, and the number just keeps going up. For […]

Posted in: Space Science
ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

The European Southern Observatory in Chile is in some ways the Earth bound counterpart to the Hubble Space Telescope, providing both groundbreaking research as well as simply stunning images of deep space which often defy imagination, such as the image shown above, taken with the Very Large Telescope, which shows a planetary nebula surrounding a dying star 3300 light […]
