Tag: challenge

Spacesuit Wear Detection, ISRU NASA Design Challenge Winners

Spacesuit Wear Detection, ISRU NASA Design Challenge Winners

NASA News Release: NASA Announces Winning Concepts to Further its Journey to Mars NASA has announced the winners of two challenges to create new concepts for construction and human habitation on future space exploration missions, including the agency’s journey to Mars. The Space Suit Textile Testing and In-Situ Materials Challenges, managed for NASA by NineSigma, […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA
SpaceX V. Blue Origin Patent Challenge Steams Ahead

SpaceX V. Blue Origin Patent Challenge Steams Ahead

SpaceX has received what appears to be good news in its challenge of Blue Origin’s patent for a landing a launch vehicle first stage on a barge. The challenge came in the form of an Inter Partes review, a proceeding in which a petitioner can ask for all or parts of a patent to be […]

Posted in: SpaceX