Tag: Baikonour

Russia Prepares To Inaugurate a New Space Era at Vostochy

Russia Prepares To Inaugurate a New Space Era at Vostochy

After a somewhat troubled development which featured launch vehicle changes, worker strikes and charges of corruption, Russia is finally ready to christen its new Vostochny Cosmodrome in a baptism of fire, courtesy of a Soyuz 2.1a rocket. Liftoff of the first booster to fly from the new spaceport, which is located in the nation’s Far […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Russia Will Conduct First Launch From New Spaceport in April

Russia Will Conduct First Launch From New Spaceport in April

The world’s oldest space power will soon be inaugurating its newest space port.  After a long and troubled development which has frequently drawn the ire and intense scrutiny of Vladimir Putin, Russia is planning to conduct the first launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the nation’s far east in late April. From TASS: MOSCOW, March […]

Posted in: Russian Space