Tag: BA-330

A 6-10 Person SpaceX / Bigelow Lunar Station for $2 billion per Year

A 6-10 Person SpaceX / Bigelow Lunar Station for $2 billion per Year

A collection of papers just released at the journal New Space makes the argument that thanks to advances by SpaceX. Bigelow Aerospace and others, the United States is in a position mount a return to the Moon and construction of a permanent base housing 6-10 people at the lunar North Pole in approximately 10 years […]

Posted in: Moon, SpaceX
Is Bigelow Today Where SpaceX Was in 2009?

Is Bigelow Today Where SpaceX Was in 2009?

Image Credit : Bigelow Aerospace In many ways, the promise being offered by SpaceX in lowering the cost of access to orbital space is only one part of a much larger image,  one which we are still waiting to see come in to focus.  Standing every bit as critical to remaining in space, as the […]

Posted in: Space Stations
NASA / Bigelow Arrangement Opens the Door to Bigger Things

NASA / Bigelow Arrangement Opens the Door to Bigger Things

Space.com is reporting that NASA and Bigelow Aerospace have reached an agreement which will allow the North Las Vegas company to fly its proposed BEAM, Bigelow Aerospace Expanded Module  to the International Space Station, where it would to provide extra storage space, similar to that provided by the Permanent Multi Purpose Logistics Module. Assuming the agreement, which is […]

Posted in: NASA, Space Stations