Tag: B612 Foundation

Siding Spring Clears Mars, Program Which Discovered it is Shut Down

Siding Spring Clears Mars, Program Which Discovered it is Shut Down

Siding Spring Imaged By MRO’s HiRISE Camera. Image Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech The Siding Spring comet which gave Mars a close shave on Sunday was a bit smaller than many had predicted. NASA Story on Siding Spring Image From MRO’s HiRISE camera: These images were taken of comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter […]

Posted in: Mars
NASA’s Asteroid Retrieval Mission May Lack a Viable Target

NASA’s Asteroid Retrieval Mission May Lack a Viable Target

A Future in Space Operations presentation earlier this week by Dan Adamo, which can be found here, highlights a potential serious problem with NASA’s proposed asteroid capture mission.  The presentation focuses on a “V” plot  which shows a range of Near Earth Asteroids grouped into three different classes by their orbital characteristics.  Some NEAs falling within […]

Posted in: Asteroids, NASA