Tag: ATV

Last ATV Docks With ISS

Last ATV Docks With ISS

Image Credit: NASA TV The last of five European Space Agency ATV’s docked with the International Space Station earlier today.  One has to wonder whether Europe will ultimately regret terminating the ATV production line in favor of supporting NASA’s Space Launch System by providing a service module for the first and likely second SLS/Orion missions […]

Posted in: ISS
Cygnus Departs, ATV to Follow; When Will We Find a Better Way to Take Out the Trash?

Cygnus Departs, ATV to Follow; When Will We Find a Better Way to Take Out the Trash?

At 6:31 AM CDT,  astronauts aboard the International Space Station released Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo vessel which has been berthed to the orbiting facility’s Harmony module for the last 23 days.  Having been filled with trash and sent on its way, the Cygnus will enter Earth’s upper atmosphere in a destructive re-entry on Wednesday.  With […]

With HTV Attached, ISS Has a New Room (for the moment)

With HTV Attached, ISS Has a New Room (for the moment)

Japan’s Kounotori-4  HTV cargo craft was berthed with the International Space Station today at 11:38 AM EDT.   Using the same Prox radio system which will also be used to communicate with Orbital Sciences Cygnus spacecraft next month,  astronaut Karen Nyberg, with support from Chris Cassidy, captured the supply vessel with the Canadarm 2 remote […]

Perfect Liftoff for Ariane V

Perfect Liftoff for Ariane V

The latest resupply mission to the International Space Station got off to a perfect start yesterday evening with the launch of an Ariane V rocket carrying the Automated Transfer Vehicle ATV-4, “Albert Einstein.” There is one more ATV planned for ISS, after which the European Space Agency will supply a modified version of the propulsion […]

ATV “Albert Einstein” Poised for Liftoff

ATV “Albert Einstein” Poised for Liftoff

The countdown is underway at Kourou, French Guiana for this evening’s launch of the European ATV supply ship  “Albert Einstein” to the International Space Station.  Launch is scheduled aboard the Ariane V booster at precisely 6:52:11 p.m. local (5:52:11 p.m. US EDT.)  Today’s launch will mark the fourth flight of the Automated Transfer Vehicle, and the heaviest […]

Next Ariane V / ATV Mission Prepares for Final Assembly

Next Ariane V / ATV Mission Prepares for Final Assembly

Source: Arianespace The Ariane V booster for the next ATV headed for the International Space Station was moved from the Launcher Integration Building to the Final Assembly building yesterday at the equatorial launch site in Kourou, French Guiana. The launch of the ES version of the world’s undisputed heavy lift champion is currently scheduled for sometime […]

Posted in: NASA, SLS / Orion
One Went Up, One Coming Down (Tonight)

One Went Up, One Coming Down (Tonight)

In what turned out to be a rather busy last Friday in September for European space, an Ariane V rocket completed its 51st consecutive successful launch at almost the same time the ESA built ATV-3 resupply ship departed the International Space Station following a six month stay. The ATV was actually scheduled to depart earlier in the week, but was […]
