Tag: alien

ET: Astronomer Claims Earth is Receiving Signals From 234 Different Sun-Like Star Systems

ET: Astronomer Claims Earth is Receiving Signals From 234 Different Sun-Like Star Systems

The title, as far as formal research papers go, is a fairly innocuous one; Discovery of peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars, but the claim is a whopper. According to a Canadian astronomer, Earth is currently on the receiving end of laser transmissions from some 234 different star systems, a signal […]

Earth’s Nearest Exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, May Be a Water World Too

Earth’s Nearest Exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, May Be a Water World Too

In August, the European Southern Observatory announced the discovery of an Earth sized planet orbiting in the habitable, or Goldilocks Zone, of the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. Given its location just 4.22 light years away, the newfound world is as close to Earth as a potentially life-supporting planet could plausibly be, raising interesting philosophical […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

Of all the stunning real-life images of deep space captured by the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory, this artist’s impression may be the most profound. As expected, the ESO held a press conference at its headquarters in Munich, Germany yesterday to announce that its researchers have indeed discovered a near Earth sized planet orbiting […]

Radically Upgrading the Estimate of Alien Civilizations in the Milky Way

Radically Upgrading the Estimate of Alien Civilizations in the Milky Way

You may recall the Drake Equation, the famous estimate of the total number of potential technologically advanced civilization in the Milky Way, with which we might make radio contact. The right hand side of the equation, courtesy of Wikipedia are : R* = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy fp = the […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

In the best image of its kind to date, ESO’s ALMA captures a protoplanetary disc around the star TW Hydrae, revealing the telltale signature of rings and gaps that indicate planets are in the process of formation. Press Release From the European Southern Observatory: The star TW Hydrae is a popular target of study for […]

NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

  NASA announced today the discovery of the first Earth sized planet located within the habitable zone of another star. The planet, named Kepler 186F, is orbiting a red dwarf (M) type star approximately 500 light years from Earth. Estimated to be only 10% larger than Earth, Kepler 186F is the outermost planet in a […]

Posted in: Exo Planets