European Southern Observatory

European Southern Observatory Stars in “Hidden Universe”

European Southern Observatory Stars in “Hidden Universe” prinicipally covers the world launch industry, but  from time to time it is useful to remind ourselves of just why the drive to lower launch costs is  important in the first place.  One reason among many, to more fully and affordably explore the stunning nature of the universe around us.  In recent years, perhaps no institution has done a better job of giving […]

ESO Finds 3 Planets in Habitable Zone Only 22 Light Years Away

ESO Finds 3 Planets in Habitable Zone Only 22 Light Years Away

Researchers with the European Southern Observatory have taken a new look at Gliese 667C,  part of a trinary system in the constellation Scorpius. Gliese 667C is already something of a phenomenon, with the total planet count now standing at 7. Using imaging from several different telescopes, astronomers have determined that the small star has three large rocky planets or “super earths” orbiting within […]

ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

ESO Astronomers Directly Image Lightest Exoplanet Yet

For anyone with even a passing interest in the night sky, there has probably never been a better time to be alive.  Almost weekly, we are learning more and more about the worlds which surround us, a fact underscored last week when radar imaged  passing Near Earth Asteroid 1998 QE2 complete with its own tiny “moon.” One of […]

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

If you think about it,  the common expression “you can’t make this stuff up”  is more often than not a wholly inaccurate and long-winded way of saying   “wow.”  The universe of things we can’t make up is presumably pretty confined, but then again, not really knowable is it? Human beings in fact regularly “make up” all sorts of things,  much of which […]

ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

ESO’s ALMA Shatters Previous Imaging Records

The European Southern Observatory in Chile is in some ways the Earth bound counterpart to the Hubble Space Telescope, providing both groundbreaking research as well as simply stunning images of deep space which often defy imagination, such as the image shown above, taken with the Very Large Telescope, which shows a planetary nebula surrounding a dying star 3300 light […]

A Planet is Born

A Planet is Born

For the first time ever, astronomers may have captured a direct image of a planet being born. Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope  in conjunction with the Hubble Space Telescope,  an international team based in Switzerland found what appears to be the birth of gas giant planet around the star HD 100546, 335 light years away from Earth. The […]

ESO Presents : “A Drop of Ink in a Luminous Sky”

ESO Presents : “A Drop of Ink in a Luminous Sky”

After a week  which began with a North Korean nuclear test and ended with a meteor strike over the skies of Russia which NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory now estimates released nearly 500 kilotons of energy,  followed by a near miss with a much larger asteroid why not start off a new week with something a little less ominous,  perhaps another stunning image from the […]
